Inventory tracking & Quickbooks sync

Get your inventory updated in QuickBooks, and reorder smarter

Know what’s selling and what isn’t, see your stock levels daily, and reorder on time with intelligent forecasts.

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Inventory Connect Books SoftwareConnect Books Inventory Software screenshot
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One click inventory sync

See what’s in stock (or not) for each sales channel or warehouse. All updated in QuickBooks as it changes hands.

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Accurately sync every transaction

Sales, returns, kits & bundles, missing/unsellable items, all automatically updated in QuickBooks

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Track stock by

Warehouse, fulfillment type or sales channel

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Returns, bundles & variations match

Have the same item selling in a bunch of different ways? However it’s listed, it’s updated correctly in your inventory.

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Automatically map bundle components to QuickBooks SKU

All variations, bundles, kits and assemblies are matched to the correct SKU in QuickBooks, and updated in your inventory with every sync.

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Adjust inventory with every return, based on item condition

Sellable items are automatically added back to your inventory, while unsellable returns are removed and categorized as a loss. More automated QuickBook accounting features →

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Stock alerts & reorder forecasts

Avoid overstock, understock and not-in-stock penalties & losses, with reports that do the math for you.

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Reorder dates & quantities, based on past sales

Intelligent reports show you each item’s stock levels, daily sales, and days of stock available.

Choose how many days of stock you’d like to keep for each item, and we’ll tell you when and how much to reorder. All based on how much you’ve sold per season.

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Get high or low
stock alerts

An item not selling? Avoid high storage fees, because you’re alerted about the overstock. Low on inventory? See it instantly in your dashboard, so you don’t miss re-ordering.

inventory tracking

It’s straightforward to use with wonderful support and training.

“I can run a report and see what my inventory is at any point in time. It’s straightforward to use with wonderful support and training.”

Tommy Gerard
DALT Brands Inc.

Stock smarter, and improve your cash flow

See what your inventory is at any point in time, get alerted when it’s time to reorder and avoid overstock or understock.

Macbook Pro with Connect BooksMacbook Pro with Connect Books softwareVideo play button